City Clerk/Treasurer
Perhaps more than any other public official, the City Clerk symbolizes the stability and continuity of local government. The official duties and responsibilities of the City Clerk are established by Wisconsin State Statutes and the Wisconsin Dell's City Ordinances. The City Clerk issues licenses and permits, serves as recording officer, and is the custodian of valuable municipal records. As Chief Election Official, the City Clerk supervises elections, and voter registration. The City Clerk provides staff assistance to the City Council including agenda preparation, recording minutes, and archiving petitions, orders, and ordinances. The City Clerk acts as the hub of government for the general public, all city departments, and numerous federal, state, and local agencies.
Deputy Clerk/Treasurer
Sandy Braun
(608) 254-2012 ext. 401
Municipal Court Clerk/Deputy Treasurer
Regalle Rathman
(608) 254-2442