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If you are a city resident 18 years of age or older and have decided to run for position of Municipal Court Judge,  you would need to complete the following forms NO EARLIER than December 1st and return them to the City Clerk NO LATER than 5:00p.m. on the first Tuesday in January. Then number of signatures required on the nomination papers is between 50-100.

Make sure the nomination signatures that you obtain are from people that actually live in the City of Wisconsin Dells.  (Just because they have a "Wisconsin Dells address" does not mean they live in the city limits). Non-qualified signatures will not be counted toward your required number of signatures.

Checklist ELIS-7

Declaration of Candidacy (Form EB-162)

Campaign Registration Statement (Form CF-1)

Nomination Papers (Form EB-169)

Statement of Economic Interests Form ETH-1

Statement of Economic Instructions

Please feel free to contact the City Clerk's office at 254-2012 if you have any questions or need any assistance with the required forms.